The Humane Society of Dickson County is proud to announce our partnership with People For Animals to provide low cost spay neuter services to qualified citizens within Dickson County! The Humane Society of Dickson County currently has $22,500 in grants and Dickson County government funds to help provide financial assistance to people that reside in Dickson County that cannot afford to spay or neuter their pets! To see if you qualify for an assistance voucher, call 615-794-8925. Co-pays do apply.
Founded in 1986, People For Animals is a 37 year old, all volunteer non-profit whose primary mission is to provide spay neuter assistance to qualified pet owners and community cat caretakers in Middle Tennessee. PFA’s goals are to enhance pet quality of life, address per overpopulation and reduce the number of pets euthanized in shelters with programs that:
*Reduce the birth rate of unwanted puppies and kittens.
*Help people make a lifetime commitment to responsible, caring guardianship of their pets.
*Promote adoptions from shelters.
*Support animal friendly legislation.